Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cars: The Ultimate Experience

It’s like when I got my first car.  My parents and I went half on a white Buick century.  I felt I was getting a deal because it was only $800 #should’veKnown.  The moment of truth #soMyDadSaid is when we took it to the emissions place #whenTheyWereGovernmentRan and my car was getting an emissions test.  This was telling us whether or not I would be coming out of a lot of money to fix the darn thing or not.  Of course I was shooting for it to pass the emissions test and then I could just  drive it but #withMyLuck it didn’t.  It cost like $800 bucks to fix it.  Now when you think about it you only pay $800 for the car and now it’s another $800 isn’t that bad so really you only put in $1600 for the entire car and you know everything that is wrong with it.  Thank God my Aunt Denise gave me the $800.  The car got fixed and everything was great until my boyfriend #atTheTime drove my car into a city bus #WithUsInItMayIadd.  All the boyfriends I had from 18 on seemed to crash my cars#Hmmm.  You think I would learn but I didn’t#lol#sad. But anyway that Buick taught me a lot about cars.  The main one was get a car that doesn’t have a lot wrong with it or anything wrong with it at all because having to get your car fixed sucks something terrible.

I have the misfortune of having my car from a buy here pay here place.  The advertise that they “come to the rescue” but really they are the scum of the earth.  When I went to get a car from them the finance guy said this, this ACTUALLY CAME OUT HIS MOUTH!, “Are you going to pay me?! Because we give THESE people help all the time and they don’t pay.  My day is full of collection calls.”  Now everyone I told was like, “I would’ve been like EXUUUUUUUUUSE ME I KNOW YOU DIDN’T JUST SAY THAT TO ME.”  But when you’re in a tight squeeze where the other car you have doesn’t have a transmission that works and they are the only place to give you a car loan with $100 bucks down your reaction is gonna be different #runOnSentence#Maybe#anyway.  Anyway I got the car from this place and the guy called me EVERY WEEK about the payment until he realized that I paid on time and put me on autopay.  I even made double payments because of their mistake on several occasions.  I saw that as ok, because that just meant that I would be able to get away from these slave drivers sooner.  I think my car loan is up in June or July of this year #hooray!

I have a 2005 Chevy.  It’s not new but it’s not super old either.  I’ve had it going on 4yrs.  My car has been a freaking champ! I’ve gone out of town, rippin’ and running, doing errands, etc etc.  It’s over 150,000 miles and runs great haven’t had any real big “car trouble” out of it.  It does this theft system thing where the theft system is malfunctioning.  If I get in the car a different way or open a different door then it will pop on and I have to wait for 10 min before it will start.  #whispering The car thinks someone is trying to steal it because its owner#ieME doesn’t get in the car that way#duh!  Other than the theft system,  it’s a great car, but guess what? #what? As of Sunday this mother sucker decided not to start!#audience#Owwwwwww.  It’s been below zero here in Wisconsin over the past couple of days.  So I don’t know why I didn’t put the heat in the gas tank when I got gas.  For those who are not familiar with winter woes, heat is something that you pour in your gas tank when you get gas so your gas doesn’t freeze.  So when I went to start the car to go to church on Sunday it didn’t start.  We’ve had numerous people come and look at it.  I still think it’s the gas freezing, but as a woman talking about cars, no one listens#lol.  So my poor Chevy is out there, lonely, undriven, non-functional, sad really.  I look out the window and it’s just a big snow covered eye sore.  We are going to do some more trouble shooting tomorrow and hopefully that sucka will vroom back to life.  J

Don’t car trouble always come when you least need it?!  It’s like its waiting for the most opportune moment to be like you know what? Bump this job I QUIT!!! Its crazy! There is usually a silver lining when you do have trouble.  Sometimes you know someone who will help you.  You don’t have to pay for labor #inMyCase. Something makes you try to think on the bright side of things.  But you do something every time that you have car trouble #what’s That?  You always think back to what you could’ve done to prevent all of that from even happening#winterizing#lol.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Crack VS GameFly

I'm what you call a gamer wife.  No it's not the wife of a gamer. I AM A FEMALE GAMER#cellPhoneGamer#playstation#Wii. My husband is a gamer#blackOps#madden. My oldest child is a gamer#legoGames.  I don't doubt that my baby will be a gamer too once he's able to play#babyGamer. 

No#IknowWhatYoureThinking Im not a lazy parent.  My parents aren't lazy parents. Video games do for me what alcohol,drugs,& cigs do for addicts#aBitExtremeIknow it gives me an out.  But instead of killing myself Im just buying games.#crackVsGameFly. In high school I was ALWAYS frustrated so after I would do my chores I would go in my room and play grand theft auto#GTA BABY!  Beating people on the street taking their money and doing missions where I had to shoot people really allowed me to release my frustration.   The fact that Grand Theft Auto is a great game helped too#lol

I remember like 3 or 4 years ago there was a thing on the news about video games actually being addiciting and people trying to say it was a problem like crack is a problem#getReal.  They were even saying that people need to go to REHAB!!! To me that's like saying if you enjoy going to the movies a lot, then you have a 'movie problem'#eyeroll. Do these people have nothing else to do but to make stuff up?  Its called Hollywood. Go get a job there and your creativity can be paid for.  Don't sit up here being 'experts' making stuff up#forReal.

There is a downside#toMeAnyway of kids playing some video games all the time.  If they play too many their imagination seems to start going away.  I noticed when my 6 yr old would be told he can't play video games he would decide to go to sleep#lol I asked him why doesn't he play with his toys but he just looked at me uninterested.   That made me concerned so I cut his video game time down.  So now as he watches his dvds in his room he plays with his train set and hotwheels set.  He is being creative again and he isn't being just SHOWN imaginary things but making them up himself.

As an adult, waiting to be called to work, I got nothing but time and MY imagination. ...well my imagination is not on trial here sooooo #lol video games is an escape really.  I actually used to want to be an animator.  I was going to go to the Art Institute here in Milwaukee but I had no time to go to classes.  I had to go to work and they didn't offer a lot of classes online.  This was before I got married. Why not do it now? I got different dreams now :) Plus I figure it's like the story of the Mississippi man#dont know it?

The story of the MISSISSIPPI MAN begins when this man was a boy.  He loved going to the Mississippi river and sit and watch the boats on the river.  He always told himself that he when he grew up that he was going to be a captian of one of those boats.  Well the boy grew into that man and did just that, he became captian of a boat.  As captain of his own vessel he thought back to when he was a little boy looking over the river.  He wished he had never became captain because the river lost its magic now.  He now knew the dangers and how to read the river for potential rocks.  In his youth all he knew was the water not the danger.  He wished he could go back to the time when all there was was water.

So when it comes to animation I would rather take my kids to see it than to make it.  So I'm  not like that Mississippi man who lost the wonder of it all because he learned it.  There are other ways my kids can be proud of me :)  Cuz I have other dreams.

So video games#backToWhatIwasTalkingAbout are just entertaining not addicting and harmful to your body like drugs#inMyOpinion.  What do you think?  Comment below :)

Til Next Time...
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Friday, January 24, 2014

It's My Bloggin Life!

I DONT CARE WHAT NO ONE THINK OF ME!!I DO WHAT I WANT!....Why am I yellin?#gladYouAsked Because people who say this ALL the time always seem to be yellin.  It's nice that some people say that but I find people who make a big point to say this all the time do care.  Or I maybe wrong #riiiiiiiiiight#lol#jk I've always thought that we all care to a certian degree about what a certian group of people think of us.

I figure this because when we are kids you want the approval of adults.  Then as you grow up you want the approval of your friends.   I remember when I was a freshmen in high school fubu was real big.  At the time it was the fat albert fubu jerseys that were popular.  I wanted to wear some fat albert!!! So I went to a store that sells name brands for cheap. So you know what that means?#ImGuessingYoureGonnaTellMe I was able to buy a yellow fat albert jersey.  I was super excited to wear it on that following monday!!! So I wore that and some silver metallic jeans#thoseJeansWereIn@TheTime#ShutUp I was looking good! Went to school and EVERYONE was impressed with my outfit. It was a good day and in high school I didn't get many of those.  My older sister and I had lockers 4 lockers apart. So after school she came up to me and told me everyone loved my outfit and was wondering what I was wearing the next day...

THE NEXT DAY?!?!! WHAT IM GOING TO WEAR?!?!! I DONT HAVE ANY MORE NEW CLOTHES!!!!!  So I went home and tried to put a "new" outfit together.  I was stressin out#teenageTrouble.  Of course I get to school in some dressy dress up school clothes outfit but it didnt have the same effect.  I got those "I knew she didn't have anymore clothes" looks.  I felt disappointed in myself for caring what these teen torturers thought of me.  I did that a lot until my senior year when I pretty much fell out with everyone n I was just counting down the days until graduation.

Another way #iThink people try and prove that they don't care is thru language....bad ok did anyone have this? In middle school EVERYONE seems to be cussing and cool for doing so?#No?#wellMineDid Im a PK#Preacher'sKid so everyone who would cuss would not cuss around me because of it.  This made me feel bad lol I wanted them to be cool around me so then id be cool#byAssociation...#Rofl I remember when I did try to cuss around my friends #lol diiiiiiiiiidn't sound as cool as the others.  I might as well been Bobby's mom on Bobby's world#90skidshow#google it. So after making a fool of myself I did what my mom does#listening...I make words up...I say GOT DOGGIT,Sugarsnippers, cheese n rice!!!!  I still to this day talk like this#yeeeeea#inRealLife

Ooooh man dating! #cringe you dated a guy or gal and your parents didn't like them.  I'm one of those people if my parents told me something and I did the opposite.  So when the look of disapproval appeared I was instantly trying to prove them wrong#Ha! Buuuuuuuut in the end they were right to not approve#lol#ohWell

I went thru more experiences but they all taught me that I'm happiest when I go with MY choice and not people's expectations.   When I got a wig with red in it#seePicBelow I loved it! You couldn't tell me I wasn't looking good. When I got my lip ring and nose ring...when I got my tattoos. ..I don't regret them because it makes me more me to me.  When I decided to stop pleasing certian people n live my life I was so much happier#beYourself

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sick Midwest Kids

Well it's that time of the year#okWhatJanuary?  Flu season! I think like 15 people died from the flu here in Wisconsin and three of them#unfortunatly were expectant mothers#:(#soSad So now you have this big bad flu#bustOutUrEmergenC! I'm not too worried about tho#vitamens#lysol#WashHands

I have 2 kids now and worrying about them getting sick is natural.But sometimes you can be all preventive then they go outside without a hat OOOOOOOONE TIIIIIIIIIIIIIME and BOOM they get sick.  Do you have to go to work?#Not2day! Hope you got sick time or occurances left....Got plans for the weekend?#Nope It is all about getting that kid better.

Or I'll give you a better one.  Your kid fakes sick#SumMaMaB Get the cough going and crying cuz they wanna sell it#smh Chris did his lil act the other day.  He put on his best performance yet.  My husband fell for it lol.  I tried to tell him lol.

I wonder if kids have a secret society like kids next door where they have board meetings about faking sick.  Maybe they get the memos in those weird cartoon network cartoons.  Is it me or has these cartoons come out of left field#weird like Uncle Grandpa#GoodMorning#watchTheShowUllGetIt.

***Walking in a big auditorium*** This meeting of Kids Nation is now in session.  As you know we aren't having the snow days we anticipated#commotion I know I know but we do have a solution!#silence the fake sick act is now....ACTIVATED!!!!!!#FSA#CHEERS!!!!

So parents be on the look out for the FSA!!!#TeamParents

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Couponing Part 1

I have been asked to blog about my couponing so here we go! My first coupon trip my bill was $68 after discounts and coupons it was $38. It's actually more exciting than it sounds lol When I first got introduced to couponing my big sis April had just watched a bunch of episodes of extreme couponing.  She started to clip and use them.  She saved money but nothing compared to the people on the show.
For those who don't know extreme couponing is this show on tlc about these women who have freaking MASTERED using coupons#CouponGurus.  They have stock piles of food in their homes.  It's very inspiring cuz they make it look easy.  It's#toMe is an art form#lol.  These women have $400 grocery bills reduced to under $50 or less!  If you haven't and you have Netflix I HIGHLY recommend you watch it.  It's not only addicting but it pushes you to try this.

Ok so my sister stopped couponing because the savings she was getting wasn't worth the time that she was putting into it#dontBlameHer.  My husband and I watched the marathon spring2013 and were determined to do this and get the same savings as these women did.   We are saving for a house and had a kid on the way so it was definitely worth trying.  I started to coupon but then I got sick and dropped it. Until I saw that the show was on Netflix and being at home,I figured if I watch a crazy amount of this show it will click.  Guess what people#wht? I caught on!!!

Ok this is where we get right to it#boutTime! Now on the show they always went to stores that had a savers card.  With the savers card you save even more because of the stores deals.  The idea is to match coupons with the deals that they have going in the stores#veryImportant#writeDown.  Also remember the rule of thumb is if u want more savings you need to have 1 coupon PER ITEM.  So if you want to save on two of the same item you need a coupon for each

Now where do you get these coupons?#gladUasked You can get them in that horrid junk mail that tries to sell you checks and figurines that you get once a week or is currently filling up a drawer in your house#likeMe.the main ones are red plum and P&G..Another way is buying Sunday's paper...most people buy more than one so you get multiple coupons.  The last way I know how to get coupons is to go on and print your coupons off.  With printing coupons you need to make sure the coupon is not faded or warped in anyway because the stores will not take make sure your ink isn't empty..

Ok#on2TheExample let's say that the store has a sale on Progresso soups. The sale is 4/$4 with the store card and you have a manufacturers coupon for $0.50 off just ONE CAN.  Say that previous sunday you bought only 2 papers because you're just starting out.  You now have 2 coupons for $0.50 off the soup.  You can get even more of a discount on 2 cans of soup because you have 2 coupons.  Remember you save per item, per coupon#unless otherwise specified on the your savings on the soup is $1.00#inTotal and instead of paying $4 for 4 cans of soup you are paying $3.  That is just one example.

Another important thing you need to do is to check the store's coupon policy.  Most stores have it on their websites...Some don't.   I went to a store that didn't and asked the lady their coupon policy and she looked at me super strange and said "why....what are you trying to do" like couponing is illegal or something lol.  The worst thing is to be at the register, planning on paying a certain amount, and you can't because of the stores coupon policy.
Now that you are couponing it's a good idea to plan your shopping trip.  Having a list of what you are getting, if you have a coupon for it, your projected savings. There are coupon websites that have these templates.  I don't use them because I do a excel spreadsheet#forNow. I even went as far as getting a store map so I wouldn't be in the store all day.

The sites that I have visited are & are a bunch of coupons sites you can go to.  When I find another one I'll definitely let you guys know.

Now there is a coupon queen right here in my town and I'm lucky enough to have her work with my husband.  We are going to take her out to eat so she can share what we didn't get off the show.  She has shown reciepts of $300-$400 and she paid less than $20 on all of them and thata in storea like kmart and target!!! When I get this info I will give you Couponing Part 2. If you have questions leave them in the comment section below :)

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1st come love thn comes baby!

It's a real funny story. More of a Disney princess and girl meet...guy n girl fall in love and get married all within a mine was in the coarse of 3-4 months lol..whn uk uk uk? #Lol So right now our family consists of Me, my husband (Tyrone), my son 6yr old so  frm a previous relationship(Christian), my 4yr old stepdaughter(Kimira) and me&Ty's 2 month old baby (Cameron)
Having a blended family is challenge...for me Chris, the 6 yr old,  dad was the whn you get out of a emotionally draining relationship where u have a love/hate relationship the man always wanna make ur life as difficult as he can...I call this the BD SYNDROME(bd=babydaddy)...mine tried to run my house thru my kid saying,come on ladies uk it all too well, "MY SON" #EYEROLL..thn get the new guy he bcms even more territorial bcs he thinks he owns u bcs u his bm(babymomma)#killYoSelf#frfr#lol...once he got beat up by my now husband tht all chgd #lol#IronMikeTyson...not sayin I encouraged it but it did make for a great laugh and my bd backin off...once a system has bn put into plc#akaCourtOrder things get better...
How is your relationship with ur stepdaughter u ask? Idek#GASP#LOL idk bcs I have yet to meet her...Ive cn her in pictures and videos#YouTube but bcs of a certain BM#notBnMe and the non helpful family court frm my husband hometown my husband hasnt cn his daughter in over a yr...but we gettin legal help so Im hopin 2k14 will be the year she can meet her brothers :)
What abt Chris and Tyrone? Do they get along?  Omg yes! He loves Chris like his own and vice versa...I'm so happy my child loves him lol cuz thts drama I dnt wnt#MJB#NOmOreDrama
Right now we live n a 2bdrm aptmnt.  So my dream#forNow is to get a house...which brings me to my name...working-stay@homeMom...In june I had a job...HATED tht job...I was a fraud investigator...and no tht job wasnt as cool as it sounds. was full of bn cussed out n told off bcs fraud was found on their cards or we froze the card so they couldn't use it...we got new uppers#upperManagement and they chgd the way we got scored on quality...not to mention closed dwn an ENTIRE CALL CENTER#300+Employees...anyway...they chgd quality and a bunch of us got bn like 3 or 4 months pregnant at the time made it worse...but the unemployment covered my bills so I was ok#4thn...tht tells u how little I was bn paid#smh...My husband was working too so I wasn't worried...eventhough I couldve jus chilled I wanted to get another job right away..but I initially wasnt getting past the phone I decided to chill..take a lil break...I did enjoy bn off#at1st thn I got bored...I was n the house all the time...I wasnt working...n I was taught if u dont work u dont eat & if theres not enough money u dnt eat by my own personal experience bn out on my own with a baby living n a anyway...once I got back to the job search I couldnt hide it whn I was able to land an interview or met with the temp agency rep I ALWAYS GOT "we will get back to u" or "if we find something we will let uk" one ever got back to me...n they say they dont discriminate but they did...cuz they all looked at my belly whn I came in thts whn I started the occupation of stay at home was ok but I miss the routines of getting up and ready for the day, working, pickin up kids, commuting, goin home n makin dinner, watchin tv, bathtime, thn bed time#REPEAT! I missed the routine and of course the extra money me working brought in...
Things went on cruise control for awhile...thn it happend..#whatHappend? My unemployment ran out after 6 this time I gave birth to my youngest son...which by the way was the worst experience.. so much pain n pressure...swore me off kids for abt a week #lol so emergency unemployment kicks in...oooh great right#NoFool!#weLiveNTheUsa unemployment emergency fund gets now we have a new baby new expenses with one income#YaStressOn1miL...I was able to land a job in Dec n thght I wud start the 1st week of January #WhooHoo#Rht but with holidays, fingerprinting, and me having to get a police report I still haven't started I got a job its just I cnt start yet...but our wonderful congress feels ALL people on unemployment r lazy n take ill admit sum r but not all #OK! Still waiting on an email or call from this rep telling me when I can I am working but not working#lol...btw I have no idea if Im using the hashtags right lol I saw thm one day like whts up wit the phn pound sign n their fb statuses n they said HASHTAG on MTV so I jus went with how I thght they should be used#lol#backroundComment?#maybe
So now uk my story lol well the juicy parts lol...follow me here on blogspot for more crazyness...

Til next time...

Apartment living

Pretty much all of my adult life I have been living in apartments.  I lived in townhomes and apartments with my parents#kidLife until they bought an awesome a kid my mom would always tell me not to run in the house because we had neighbors...not to bang against the wall because we got neighbors. ..not to talk loud because #uGuessedIt we got neighbors...but Mom#iWouldSay they banging on the wall and being loud why can't we?!#outRagedChild no matter where we lived it was always the same...we had to be quiet like lil church mice while the neighbors were crazy loud...that's just how my mom I still to this day don't know why she made us do that...I'm going to ask her too!!!
My 1st apartment as an adult was a basement apartment aka garden apartment. ..the floors were uneven a mouse ran thru every now and again..the refrigerator door came off and I had a lil space in the pantry for my stuff. was straight boxcar children apartment#ForReal...oh I failed to mentioned I lived there wit an emo ex boyfriend who stashed porn and weed in his closet & cut himself#crazy, mad at the world white girl who had no patience for ANYONE#grumpy,  and happy go lucky rollerblade thru the house white girl#happy...but rent was only $230!!! I was like ima just stay in my room n keep my head down for this price...and it pretty much worked until people started to move out...this apartment was like $900...there's no way I could do that by myself...I had come to love my little hole in the wall apartment...I didn't have the rental history or income to even get a $450 studio. the time I worked at a gas station so I felt I didn't have enough but actually I did...I ate out all the time and my shopping was up there...I took the bus everywhere so car expenses weren't an issue for me...I didn't want to give up my shopping and getting my hair done...but I was kind of excited about these irritants moving out and me getting the big room! So I did what any 18 yr old does#whtsTht? I tried to get my friends to move in with me...I was only able to get my african friend to move in and my current boyfriend #onlyBeenDating4threeMonths to come...we had one room left and with all of us wanting the rent to stay the same we did what all 18 yr olds feel is logical#whtsTht? Put out an ad and have a complete stranger come live with us for the sake of saving money#lol#doUwant2bMurdered?! We placed an ad in the university's wanted was a university craigslist before Craigslist got big...we had sooooooo many people respond!!! Mainly emos n hippies...there was this really nice flamboyant heavy set guy who came n really loved the place but we didn't feel he was cool enough because we were gonna plan parties and get drunk n we felt he couldn't hang with our potential we went with this condensending hippy white girl with red hair who smoked...maaaaaaannnn every day since the 3rd day of her living there this chick had a complaint or sumthing to say...everyday I contimplated having her jumped then act concerned when she came in beat to crap...I DIDN'T THO.eventho I had the resourses lol..maybe fantasized about it when she would be in her witchin' sessions but never did it...all the tension and this chick smoking in front of my window made me be like you know what I'm miserable here Ima just go back to my parents house and figure it out from there...
SOOOO of course there's the drama/CONFUSION when moving out...we let the red head hippy girl know we were moving out so she got her friends to sublet...we were supposed to move out on my bday which was fine with me....buuuuut my boyfriend at the time had other plans...he couldn't go back to his parents house so he did a sort of stand your ground tactic...he didnt move his stuff out on the day we were supposed to...I get a pissed off call from the girl saying he won't leave and she is going to call the police to have him I get there and he is pissed off about to fight one of her friends...I calm everything down and take him to the side and basically tell him off...I was able to come to an agreement with the girl to give him a couple days to get his stuff out...after that me and my boyfriend were on our way to the rental office to make sure the sublet actually went thru and we got into a car accident....~theEnd lol he eventually got his stuff and the nightmare of the basement apartment was finally over and I lived back with my parents#lol
The apartment I live in now is in a decent non-student area.  Lots of families live in the area. Nice diverse neighborhood :) quiet#at1st...maaaaaaaannn my building alone had ghetto tendencies. ..I had the lesbian couple in Apt1 who fought EVERY DAY...I was calling the police daily! I thought they were gonna kill each other! Then the lady who lived off her son disability and stayed home all day and blasted her music all night in Apt2...then you have the Apartment manager right across the hall from me in Apt3...this man hates doing any work!!! Have you seen the show Lil Bush? Imagine the Dick Chaney character and that him...always mumbling complaining about tenants..."rah rah rah them Mf's F'd up the u F up a lock then put electrical tape on it?! Why not buy a new mf'n lock.rah rah rah .".mf this and mf tht...niggas this and niggas that..I swear the way this man carries himself and talks makes you think he was born and raised in a prison#lilBigOG...then my big boned heavy footed neighbor upstairs who would have sex marathons EVERYDAY up to the day she gave birth to her daughter#then all that stopped#naturally...I swear I heard that lil girl get made...I think I remember what the daddy look like lol..between noise of all of them I was going crazy but my rent is reasonable so once AGAIN I endured it...after while the lesbians got kicked out and the moochin lady in apt2 was evicted...there were some people upstairs but they were like me they stayed in they house away from the crazies...
Then something happened....the owner chged...he sent out eviction notices to EVERYBODY...even me who was up to date on rent...the previous owner didn't have accurate records of me paying rent...thank God I paid by my banks bill pay because they were ready to kick me and my son out! I had every payment. ..he was ok with it but then started to turn my apartment into an elderly living place...all of them don't pay rent...its paid by the state...once these old folks moved near nice old lady there was a bedbug epidemic! I had to throw out was devastating. ..they sprayed like 3 times and my husband sprayed 1 more time for good more bedbugs...but we now didn't have beds or a me we were squatters and my house didn't have have that home feel that it used to...for the whole summer we had to sleep on air mattresses because were nervous about getting new beds and bedbugs being in there too#paranoyaSetIn...once we got beds the mood in the house changed#Exhale...I'm waiting for tax time to come to get new living room furniture and then I can go back to my home decor...
As much excitement there is living here in an apartment. ..I want a house...I've been on my app looking at houses in my area...thats why I'm so for making extra money online because I want that house asap rocky!!!
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Monday, January 20, 2014

The Dreaded 'S' word

Yea my dear friends another one#lol...thats what happens when you have this free time#jusLazy...there is stuff to do but ahhhh I don't want to do it...

In my house u can't say the dreaded S word. ..what is the S word u ask? SLEEP.  Oh God forbid I tell my husband I'm going to sleep or vice versa...we could be just sitting there n one of us says "I'm going to sleep" then the other starts thinking of stuff to do...or my husband's favorite...wait til I'm laying down then come in with the baby saying he gotta do something then I get less#S-word...u guessed it sleep...#weBothKindaSelfishLol

I mean we have gotten a system going about how we give each other sleep breaks...I kinda feel like Desmond#theShowLOST where him and a partner had to switch shifts of sleeping because a number sequence had to be put in every 108 min#lol if u have never watched LOST and don't really get my reference its like having a new puppy...and every nite is like the 1st night u bring it whines all night n won't shut up...well at least that's what all of my puppies growin up did#sadButTrue...

Its difficult for me to share the baby in the 1st place.  With my oldest son I was on my own with him from birth until he was about 5 years old then his dad popped in his life to play uncle for the next yr thn I got a court order for him to get him and forced him to be a point here being I went to work...I missed work...I was there for his sick days happy days ok days...I was his everything as far as parents go...when his dad popped in for his microwave father son moments#10-15 min Chris had nooooo idea who he don't get me wrong I absolutely hated him#@theTime but I nvr spoke bad about him I n front of him bn scared of this stranger was his fault#bak2thePoint...Im used to doing everything and being everything. ..I'm like an only child who goes to daycare...Im not a I'm real mother LION when it comes to the new one...I call it SP SYNDROME (SP=SINGLE PARENT)...I'm learning tho lol...

I know they said you gotta work together when your married but for sum reason when it come to parenting I've always seen it as 1 sided#hmmm...I can't wait until he sleeps thru the night...

My 2 month old is real figiety. much we call him mr scoot scoot...we got him a bassinet but he moves while he's in there... so he doesn't stay in there too long...we don't really have a lot of room in my apartment so a crib is out of the we got this pack n play he sleeps n then we can put it up if need be...since he is able to turn 180 degrees freely he went from sleeping 45 min to a nice 4-5 hrs at a time#JesusIsReal...and that my friends is not only a $20 bill found on the street to a parent of a new born#notGrumpy but its awesome to know my lil man is comfy...

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Being a newborn mom after 6 yrs is like what the heck is this?! Lol there's all these new products n new ways for u to kill ur baby if you don't do certain things...when my now 17 yr old sis was a baby the baby had to lay on their stomach to help prevent SIDS now its ur gonna kill your baby if you don't lay them on their back#ugh#getYoLife...then I have these freakin 'baby water' fanatics. ..yea ill buy Bottled water in a jug for more money...Ima $ saver so Im not doin tht...I can get more bottled water for 5 bucks #64bottles annnnnd in easier to pour per bottle than 5 jugs...Hey I may be wrong lol I might b like a lil kid who u give a $5 bill to but they think the other kid got more bcs they got 5 $1 #lol#notAmathWiz either way I feel bamboozled and insulted by tht baby water#shute but with any industry there are the rip offs...or u have the 'I dont have kids but I know what u should be doin with your kids' people...1 you don't have kids 2 shut up and go away#realTalk  
Even the experience of being pregnant was nothing like my 1st son#duh#delusional...
I loved the attention#then
 I hated the attention#now 
I loved feeling the kicks of the baby#then 
Hated I couldn't sleep because my youngest was a womb tapdancer/gymnast#now 
Morning sickness lasted a week#then 
Morning sickness last 3 months#now
 Then later in the pregnancy the worst I felt...I had 2 have my labor enduced because I had pre eclampsia#i think thats how u spell it... I don't know exactly what it is but as the mother I was at risk...the list goes on n on how my latest pregnancy sucked pine sap but I wont bore u with the rest of them...
I was lucky enough to find a program that actually gave me my pack n play and my car seat for free so that was great... 
Why are nurses so annoying in hospitals? Them coming in n wake u up#rude#ImNotDying can't they just wait until you wake up it's like hey I have a baby I'm not going to be able to go to sleep like I want to why are you coming in?!I don't care you have to check my vitals check them when I'm awake#MeRude#cutIntoMySleepIwillCutYou thn I had 1 who thought she was soooo hilaaaaarious#blankStare
I'm one of the moms who decided that she was going to breastfeed for the 1st year#Some1getHerAmedal yeeeeeaaaa I didnt make it past 4 milk was coming in but #asSelfishAsThisIs it was a lot of work...I loved the bond with baby and the sense of feeling wanted but I was pumping every hour to keep ahead of my hungry baby's when I started working I would have to pump at work#noGo breastfeeding the 1st 4 weeks was nice but for me I couldnt do the upkeep#jusMe...needless to say my lil mr is a formula baby now...but I drank camomile tea to help my milk come helped relax me so I could have a better success rate this time friend breastfed both her kids 4 a year she gave me that advice#stealCommonIdea..for those mother who can go a crazy long time hats off cuz its not for the faint hearted!
One thing I just cant stand about being at home is #drumroll the only excitement I get is from the day my husband was like how was ur day...I said boring...he said why...I was like I've been in the house all day and the only faintly interesting thing that happend was Cam pooped...he thought it was funny but#smh its not...wait wait no im sorry I watched ALL the episodes of extreme couponing and my first home on netflix#riot lol
If someone tells u expectant mothers to take castor oil to help ur baby come early...I dont recommend it! I was not only ready to have the baby but I was now I was super sick to my stomach#stupidWivesTales
Til next time...
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