Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cars: The Ultimate Experience

It’s like when I got my first car.  My parents and I went half on a white Buick century.  I felt I was getting a deal because it was only $800 #should’veKnown.  The moment of truth #soMyDadSaid is when we took it to the emissions place #whenTheyWereGovernmentRan and my car was getting an emissions test.  This was telling us whether or not I would be coming out of a lot of money to fix the darn thing or not.  Of course I was shooting for it to pass the emissions test and then I could just  drive it but #withMyLuck it didn’t.  It cost like $800 bucks to fix it.  Now when you think about it you only pay $800 for the car and now it’s another $800 isn’t that bad so really you only put in $1600 for the entire car and you know everything that is wrong with it.  Thank God my Aunt Denise gave me the $800.  The car got fixed and everything was great until my boyfriend #atTheTime drove my car into a city bus #WithUsInItMayIadd.  All the boyfriends I had from 18 on seemed to crash my cars#Hmmm.  You think I would learn but I didn’t#lol#sad. But anyway that Buick taught me a lot about cars.  The main one was get a car that doesn’t have a lot wrong with it or anything wrong with it at all because having to get your car fixed sucks something terrible.

I have the misfortune of having my car from a buy here pay here place.  The advertise that they “come to the rescue” but really they are the scum of the earth.  When I went to get a car from them the finance guy said this, this ACTUALLY CAME OUT HIS MOUTH!, “Are you going to pay me?! Because we give THESE people help all the time and they don’t pay.  My day is full of collection calls.”  Now everyone I told was like, “I would’ve been like EXUUUUUUUUUSE ME I KNOW YOU DIDN’T JUST SAY THAT TO ME.”  But when you’re in a tight squeeze where the other car you have doesn’t have a transmission that works and they are the only place to give you a car loan with $100 bucks down your reaction is gonna be different #runOnSentence#Maybe#anyway.  Anyway I got the car from this place and the guy called me EVERY WEEK about the payment until he realized that I paid on time and put me on autopay.  I even made double payments because of their mistake on several occasions.  I saw that as ok, because that just meant that I would be able to get away from these slave drivers sooner.  I think my car loan is up in June or July of this year #hooray!

I have a 2005 Chevy.  It’s not new but it’s not super old either.  I’ve had it going on 4yrs.  My car has been a freaking champ! I’ve gone out of town, rippin’ and running, doing errands, etc etc.  It’s over 150,000 miles and runs great haven’t had any real big “car trouble” out of it.  It does this theft system thing where the theft system is malfunctioning.  If I get in the car a different way or open a different door then it will pop on and I have to wait for 10 min before it will start.  #whispering The car thinks someone is trying to steal it because its owner#ieME doesn’t get in the car that way#duh!  Other than the theft system,  it’s a great car, but guess what? #what? As of Sunday this mother sucker decided not to start!#audience#Owwwwwww.  It’s been below zero here in Wisconsin over the past couple of days.  So I don’t know why I didn’t put the heat in the gas tank when I got gas.  For those who are not familiar with winter woes, heat is something that you pour in your gas tank when you get gas so your gas doesn’t freeze.  So when I went to start the car to go to church on Sunday it didn’t start.  We’ve had numerous people come and look at it.  I still think it’s the gas freezing, but as a woman talking about cars, no one listens#lol.  So my poor Chevy is out there, lonely, undriven, non-functional, sad really.  I look out the window and it’s just a big snow covered eye sore.  We are going to do some more trouble shooting tomorrow and hopefully that sucka will vroom back to life.  J

Don’t car trouble always come when you least need it?!  It’s like its waiting for the most opportune moment to be like you know what? Bump this job I QUIT!!! Its crazy! There is usually a silver lining when you do have trouble.  Sometimes you know someone who will help you.  You don’t have to pay for labor #inMyCase. Something makes you try to think on the bright side of things.  But you do something every time that you have car trouble #what’s That?  You always think back to what you could’ve done to prevent all of that from even happening#winterizing#lol.

Til Next Time…
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