Friday, January 24, 2014

It's My Bloggin Life!

I DONT CARE WHAT NO ONE THINK OF ME!!I DO WHAT I WANT!....Why am I yellin?#gladYouAsked Because people who say this ALL the time always seem to be yellin.  It's nice that some people say that but I find people who make a big point to say this all the time do care.  Or I maybe wrong #riiiiiiiiiight#lol#jk I've always thought that we all care to a certian degree about what a certian group of people think of us.

I figure this because when we are kids you want the approval of adults.  Then as you grow up you want the approval of your friends.   I remember when I was a freshmen in high school fubu was real big.  At the time it was the fat albert fubu jerseys that were popular.  I wanted to wear some fat albert!!! So I went to a store that sells name brands for cheap. So you know what that means?#ImGuessingYoureGonnaTellMe I was able to buy a yellow fat albert jersey.  I was super excited to wear it on that following monday!!! So I wore that and some silver metallic jeans#thoseJeansWereIn@TheTime#ShutUp I was looking good! Went to school and EVERYONE was impressed with my outfit. It was a good day and in high school I didn't get many of those.  My older sister and I had lockers 4 lockers apart. So after school she came up to me and told me everyone loved my outfit and was wondering what I was wearing the next day...

THE NEXT DAY?!?!! WHAT IM GOING TO WEAR?!?!! I DONT HAVE ANY MORE NEW CLOTHES!!!!!  So I went home and tried to put a "new" outfit together.  I was stressin out#teenageTrouble.  Of course I get to school in some dressy dress up school clothes outfit but it didnt have the same effect.  I got those "I knew she didn't have anymore clothes" looks.  I felt disappointed in myself for caring what these teen torturers thought of me.  I did that a lot until my senior year when I pretty much fell out with everyone n I was just counting down the days until graduation.

Another way #iThink people try and prove that they don't care is thru language....bad ok did anyone have this? In middle school EVERYONE seems to be cussing and cool for doing so?#No?#wellMineDid Im a PK#Preacher'sKid so everyone who would cuss would not cuss around me because of it.  This made me feel bad lol I wanted them to be cool around me so then id be cool#byAssociation...#Rofl I remember when I did try to cuss around my friends #lol diiiiiiiiiidn't sound as cool as the others.  I might as well been Bobby's mom on Bobby's world#90skidshow#google it. So after making a fool of myself I did what my mom does#listening...I make words up...I say GOT DOGGIT,Sugarsnippers, cheese n rice!!!!  I still to this day talk like this#yeeeeea#inRealLife

Ooooh man dating! #cringe you dated a guy or gal and your parents didn't like them.  I'm one of those people if my parents told me something and I did the opposite.  So when the look of disapproval appeared I was instantly trying to prove them wrong#Ha! Buuuuuuuut in the end they were right to not approve#lol#ohWell

I went thru more experiences but they all taught me that I'm happiest when I go with MY choice and not people's expectations.   When I got a wig with red in it#seePicBelow I loved it! You couldn't tell me I wasn't looking good. When I got my lip ring and nose ring...when I got my tattoos. ..I don't regret them because it makes me more me to me.  When I decided to stop pleasing certian people n live my life I was so much happier#beYourself

Til next time..
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  1. Great post! I became much happier in life when i stopped living for the approval of others.

  2. Great post Amber! I feel ya on all of these points. Especially the cussing. I was trying to hard to fit in, I didn't even know how to swear-using curse words in all the wrongs ways, lol. Keep it up, I look forward to your next post.
