Monday, January 20, 2014

The Dreaded 'S' word

Yea my dear friends another one#lol...thats what happens when you have this free time#jusLazy...there is stuff to do but ahhhh I don't want to do it...

In my house u can't say the dreaded S word. ..what is the S word u ask? SLEEP.  Oh God forbid I tell my husband I'm going to sleep or vice versa...we could be just sitting there n one of us says "I'm going to sleep" then the other starts thinking of stuff to do...or my husband's favorite...wait til I'm laying down then come in with the baby saying he gotta do something then I get less#S-word...u guessed it sleep...#weBothKindaSelfishLol

I mean we have gotten a system going about how we give each other sleep breaks...I kinda feel like Desmond#theShowLOST where him and a partner had to switch shifts of sleeping because a number sequence had to be put in every 108 min#lol if u have never watched LOST and don't really get my reference its like having a new puppy...and every nite is like the 1st night u bring it whines all night n won't shut up...well at least that's what all of my puppies growin up did#sadButTrue...

Its difficult for me to share the baby in the 1st place.  With my oldest son I was on my own with him from birth until he was about 5 years old then his dad popped in his life to play uncle for the next yr thn I got a court order for him to get him and forced him to be a point here being I went to work...I missed work...I was there for his sick days happy days ok days...I was his everything as far as parents go...when his dad popped in for his microwave father son moments#10-15 min Chris had nooooo idea who he don't get me wrong I absolutely hated him#@theTime but I nvr spoke bad about him I n front of him bn scared of this stranger was his fault#bak2thePoint...Im used to doing everything and being everything. ..I'm like an only child who goes to daycare...Im not a I'm real mother LION when it comes to the new one...I call it SP SYNDROME (SP=SINGLE PARENT)...I'm learning tho lol...

I know they said you gotta work together when your married but for sum reason when it come to parenting I've always seen it as 1 sided#hmmm...I can't wait until he sleeps thru the night...

My 2 month old is real figiety. much we call him mr scoot scoot...we got him a bassinet but he moves while he's in there... so he doesn't stay in there too long...we don't really have a lot of room in my apartment so a crib is out of the we got this pack n play he sleeps n then we can put it up if need be...since he is able to turn 180 degrees freely he went from sleeping 45 min to a nice 4-5 hrs at a time#JesusIsReal...and that my friends is not only a $20 bill found on the street to a parent of a new born#notGrumpy but its awesome to know my lil man is comfy...

Til next time...
Remember to follow me for more!


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